Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Adding Intervals

Since I did only base last week, and my hamstring and shins were feeling better, I decided to add medium-fast intervals back into my workouts. I managed to run intervals twice during 6 milers, and felt pretty good. Also, one of my 4 milers that was supposed to be easy, I ended up running at a medium pace. Still a long way off from my shape for last year's season, and the hammy still feels a little "off", but I'm being careful, and I'm optimistic!

Base - 32
Intervals - Untimed (400, 400, 600, 600, 400); 3x400 @ 1:13, 1x800 @ 2:38, 1x400 @ 1:13;
Tempo - 4 mile - 26:18.77 (6:51.38, 6:29.11, 6:37.67, 6:20.61)


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