Hot Day to Race!
I am finding it hard to be motivated for the Luke's meet... especially when it's mid 90's... I ran a mile, and mentally gave in on the 3rd lap (oops), but finished strong, and had an ok 1 mile time. My 800, I started slow, and didn't recover, and wasn't even that tired at the end... I moved my intervals up by a day to get an extra day of recovery, and see if I can focus on the last Luke's meet next week like a REAL race to get some good times. Only problem is that my sprint intervals were QUITE a workout, and I am still feeling sore 2 days later!
Total - 29
Race - 1 mile @ 5.01.64 (1.14.76, 1.15.44, 1.17.53, 1.13.91); 800 @ 2:16.4 (1.08.55, 1.07.85)
Interval 1 - 6 x 600 @ 1:55, 2 x 400 @ 1:13
Interval 2 (Sprints) - 3 x 400 (1.02.63, 1.03.37, 1.03.44); 2 x 300 (47.03, 47.48); 2 x 200 (30.22, 30.07)
Total - 29
Race - 1 mile @ 5.01.64 (1.14.76, 1.15.44, 1.17.53, 1.13.91); 800 @ 2:16.4 (1.08.55, 1.07.85)
Interval 1 - 6 x 600 @ 1:55, 2 x 400 @ 1:13
Interval 2 (Sprints) - 3 x 400 (1.02.63, 1.03.37, 1.03.44); 2 x 300 (47.03, 47.48); 2 x 200 (30.22, 30.07)
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