Saturday, September 01, 2007


Started the week off by running an 8 mile loop at Erwin Park. It is a mountain bike singletrack trail, and an excellent cross country run - about half of the trail is open fields, and the other half is through trees and underbrush - the trail is in excellent condition. Good training for the little used muscles as there are ups and downs, a lot of sharp turns, and weaving in and out of trees. I ran early, so it was cool, and I didn't have to contend with any mountain bikers - unfortunately, I ran through a LOT of spider webs (with spiders included!). It was a tough run after my 1.5 mile tempo run less than 36 hours earlier - I felt a bit sore towards the end of the run. I will try to do it again in 2 weeks.

My Tempo run at the end of my training week felt slow (morning), but I was running well... I considered running through 2 more laps to see what my 2 mile time was, but my right calf cramped up, so I just finished the regular 6 laps. I will try for a 2 mile time next week.

Total - 32

Interval - 16 x 400 @ 1:18 with 200 recovery
Tempo - 6 laps - 8:06.88 (2:40.71, 2:41.94, 2:44.23)


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